Dump mesh into a XDMF file

This small example shows how to dump a mesh and fields into a XDMF file that can be read by ParaView.

 1from BasicTools.Containers import UnstructuredMesh
 2from BasicTools.IO.XdmfWriter import WriteMeshToXdmf
 3from BasicTools.Containers import UnstructuredMeshCreationTools as UMCT
 4from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
 5import numpy as np
 7def create_mesh_example() -> UnstructuredMesh:
 8    """This function creates a dummy mesh using Delaunay triangulation.
 9    """
10    # Create a grid of points
11    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,1,10), np.linspace(0,1,10))
12    points = np.stack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()], axis=1)
13    # Generate the triangles with Delaunay
14    tri = Delaunay(points)
15    triangles = tri.simplices
16    # Create a BasicTools UnstructuredMesh using the CreateMeshOfTriangles utility
17    mesh = UMCT.CreateMeshOfTriangles(points, triangles)
18    return mesh
20if __name__ == "__main__":
22    # Create a simple mesh
23    mesh = create_mesh_example()
25    # Make six dummy nodal fields
26    fields = np.random.randn(mesh.GetNumberOfNodes(), 6)
28    # Dump the mesh and nodal fields into a XDMF file
29    WriteMeshToXdmf(filename="WriteXdmf.xdmf",                          # path where the file will be stored
30                    baseMeshObject=mesh,                                # UnstructuredMesh object 
31                    PointFields=[fields[:,i] for i in range(6)],        # list of scalar fields
32                    PointFieldsNames=[f"field_{i}" for i in range(6)],  # list of names for each scalar field
33    )