Mesh File Converter

Located in the src/BasicTools/IO/ folder, this application uses the readers and writers of BasicTools to convert mesh files to a new file format. The tools uses the extension of the file name to select the correct reader/writer automatically. If no output file is provided, a summary of the information present in the input file is printed. Some Readers/Writer can handle fields (solution files) and/or time.

The command line option to show the help is :

MeshFileConverter -h

And the corresponding output

python  MeshFileConverter -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>
     -i    Input file name
     -o    output file name
     -h    this help
     -t    time to read (if the input file can handle time)
          (default last time step is written)
     -p    print available times to read
     -v    more verbose output
     -m    Activate MeshIO Readers and Writers
     -s    Plot mesh before continue (press key "q" exit)

Available Readers :
     ['.inp', '.asc', '.ansys', '.geof', '.geo',
     '.msh', '.mesh', '.meshb', '.sol', '.solb', '.gcode', '.fem',
     '.stl', '.xdmf', '.pxdmf', '.PIPE', '.odb', '.ut', '.utp', '.vtu',
     '.dat', '.datt']

Available Writers :
     ['.PIPE', '.geof', '.msh', '.mesh', '.meshb',
     '.odb', '.stl', '.xdmf', '.xmf', '.csv']

The available Readers/Writers may vary dependent on the BasicTools version installed.